Esd protection, Potential damages caused by exposure to esd, Liquid controls’ grounding kits – Liquid Controls LCRII Install E3650-E3651 Series User Manual

Page 4: Esd precaution

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esd PRoTeCTIon

Potential damages Caused by exposure to esd

To prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage to LectroCount register electronic components, all LectroCount

electronic register truck intallations are required to properly ground truck seat(s) cushions and Epson printers.

Prolonged exposure to ESD over weeks, months, or years can corrupt LectroCount registers’ CPU memory and

damage the electronic components in LectroCount registers (as well as other electrical components in the truck’s

electrical system).

Adjustable, shock-absorbing seats, if not grounded correctly, generate significant amounts of ESD. The pivots and

hinges of these seats isolate the seat cushion from an electrical ground. Without an electrical ground, ESD builds

between the seat cushion and the operator. This built-up ESD can be transferred back to the LectroCount register

from any point of the truck’s electrical system, such as the cabling from the LectroCount register to the cab or the

Epson printer.

liquid Controls’ Grounding Kits

To protect electronic components from ESD, all LectroCount truck intallations must include the installation of the

LectroCount Ground Strap Kit (PN 82185) and the Epson Printer Ground Wire Kit (PN 82184). Properly grounded

seats allow static electricity to “bleed off” the driver and the seat before it can build up, discharge, and damage the

LectroCount register or any of the truck’s other electrical components.

The LectroCount Ground Strap Kit will be included with all future LCR-II LectroCount register shipments, and the

Epson Printer Ground Wire Kit will be included with all future Epson printer cable kit shipments. Effected part numbers

are listed below. For existing installations and previously purchased LectroCount registers and Epson printers, both

ground kits are available from LC.

esd Procedural Precautions and lectroCount Register Grounding

Installation notes

When installing or performing maintenance on a LectroCount register, there are certain guidelines that must be

followed to safeguard against ESD damage.

ReGIsTeRs noT MoUnTed dIReCTly To The MeTeR

In typical LectroCount installations where the LectroCount register is mounted directly to the meter, the LectroCount

housing is grounded through the meter. If the register is not mounted on the meter, you must make sure the

LectroCount housing is grounded properly.

alternate grounding method

Connect the green ground screw (inside the LectroCount housing in the upper right corner) to a known good ground (less than

1 ohm). Use a 12ga. or larger stranded wire.

fIxed InsTallaTIons

LectroCount housings directly mounted to the meter are attached to the earth ground through the meter via the tank

and the tank piping ,which is grounded by the electrical system grounding rods. Division 1 fixed installations typically

require metal conduit to the conduit hubs for the wiring. The metal conduit provides the necessary ESD protection.

Divison 2 installations can ground the LectroCount housing by using shielded cables (or wiring) run through liquidtite

(metal/rubber coated). The liquidtite and the liquidtite connectors provide the necessary ESD protection. AC fixed

installations require and additional grounding method to ensure a proper ground.

alternate grounding method for aC fixed installations

Connect the green ground screw (inside the LectroCount housing in the upper right corner) to a known good ground (less than

1 ohm). Use a 12ga. or larger stranded wire.

Follow this procedure each time you open a LectroCount register or approach a LectroCount register with the door open.

Before opening the LectroCount register and handling the CPU board, it is important to discharge any ESD that may have built up on

your person. To discharge ESD from your person, touch a well-grounded point such as the LectroCount register housing, the meter,

the truck piping, or the bumper. When the maintenance is complete and the LectroCount register door is closed, the CPU board is

protected from ESD by the LectroCount register housing which is grounded to the chassis.


esd Precaution .

Opening LectroCount Registers