Installation requirements, Warning – Liquid Controls M-MA Meters User Manual
Page 7

InstallatIon requIreMents
▪ take all necessary safety precautIons
Make sure that all necessary safety precautions have been taken.
Provide for proper ventilation, temperature control, fire prevention,
evacuation and fire management.
▪ provIde access for fIre extInGuIshers
Provide easy access to the appropriate fire extinguishers for your
product. Consult with your local fire department and state and local
codes to make sure that you are adequately prepared.
▪ read provIded lIterature
Read this manual as well as all the literature provided in your red
Owner’s Information Packet. If you have any questions, consult
with your full-service distributor or call the Service Department at
Liquid Controls.
▪ conforM to all codes
Install the meter and accessories in conformance with applicable
state and federal construction, electrical and safety codes.
▪ leave thread caps In place
Before shipment, protective thread caps are placed in all meter
and accessory openings. They should remain in place until you
are ready to attach piping.
▪ flush pIpInG
Prior to meter installation, the entire piping system should be
thoroughly flushed of all debris with a liquid that is compatible with
the construction of the meter.
▪ keep external surfaces of the Meter
▪ Mount Meter securely
The meter must always be securely bolted to a platform or
supporting member, regardless of the mounting position of the
meter. Never “hang” a meter on the connecting piping.
▪ prevent pIpe straIn or stress
Prevent pipe strain or stress from occurring when making meter or
accessory repairs. Pipe strain and stress occurs when the pipes
are not supported or are not aligned correctly to the meter. The
weight of the pipes must always be supported independent of the
meter. This means that the meter and accessories can be easily
removed without affecting the pipes or the pipe alignment. Never
leave any of the pipes hanging.
▪ Install Meter only on the dIscharGe
sIde (doWnstreaM) of the systeM puMp
▪ apply pIpe coMpound to Male threads
▪ leave space for future MaIntenance
Position the meter with service in mind. Provide ample work
space. Removing covers can be difficult when work space is
not available. Always supply a platform or support for the meter
▪ use Meter only WIth specIfIed lIquIds
A meter is metallurgically designed to be physically compatible
with the type of liquid originally specified by the customer, and
as indicated on the Serial Number Plate. A meter should not be
used with a liquid different from the liquid originally specified,
unless the physical characteristics and pH rating are similar and
the application has been checked with LC Sales and Engineering
through your full-service distributor.
Class 10 LPG meters must be installed in accordance with the
requirements of ANSI-NFPA 58 in addition to all other state and
local codes.
Class 10 LPG Meters - Codes
Under normal operation, do not expose any portion
of the LP-Gas system to pressures in excess of rated
working pressures without an automatic safety valve to
vent the over pressure discharge to a place of safety
away from the operator and other people.
failure to provide such a safety relief
may result in leakage or rupture of one or
more of the components in the system.
this can result in injury of death from the
gas, a fire, or pieces of flying debris from
the rupture.
▪ Install a straIner
Install a strainer on the meter inlet to avoid damage from foreign
matter, such as weld slag, from entering the system. The strainer
must always be located on the inlet side.
▪ taG floW dIrectIon
All meters are tagged identifying their direction of flow. Meters
are set with a flow direction of left to right as standard. However,
when a meter is ordered, the customer can specify that the flow
be set from either direction. If the meter register counts in reverse,
the meter is reading the direction of flow in reverse. If this occurs,
the meter registration must be reset. For mechanical output
meters, see Reversing the Meter Registration on page 10. For
electrical output meters, such as meters equipped with a pulser
or an electronic register, refer to the manual of the electronic
▪ use current enGIneerInG draWInGs
Always request up-to-date, engineering approved, dimensional
drawings before starting any construction. Do not rely on catalog
pictures or drawings. They are for reference only. After receiving
prints, check to see that all equipment ordered is shown and
that any extra pressure taps, plugs, etc. are noted and their size