Servicing the drive components, Warning, Servicing the packing gland – Liquid Controls M-MA Meters User Manual
Page 15: Packing gland components

servicing the packing Gland
After prolonged use, the packing gland may show leakage from the metering chamber. Leakage is a sign of wear,
resulting from the type of product being metered, the operating temperature, and other system conditions. If the
packing gland shows leakage, it should be replaced or repaired. The packing gland can be serviced in the field.
to remove the packing gland:
1. Remove the two screws on the packing gland retaining
plate with a 5/16” socket and ratchet drive extension or
5/16” nut driver.
2. Pull out the packing gland.
3. Pry off the retaining ring with a standard screwdriver.
4. Pull the driver out from the assembly.
Standard Packing Gland
LPG Packing Gland
Item 11 (below)
Dust Cover for 1⅝" holes
packInG Gland retaInInG plate
The retaining plate for the packing gland has four holes:
two drilled 1½" holes on center and two drilled 1⅝" holes
on center. If your meter has a counter adapter dust cover
(item 0366) shaped like the illustration on the left, mount
the retaining plate using the two 1⅝" holes. If your meter
does not have the counter adapter dust cover like the
illustration on the left, mount the retaining plate using the
two 1½" holes.
1. Driver
2. Shaft
3. Stainless steel thrust washer
4. Rulon thrust washer
5. Buna/Viton/PTFE “U” Cup
6. Aluminum/stainless housing
7. Washer - Nylon
8. Output gear 2:1
packing Gland components
9. Retaining ring
10. Bushing
11. Retaining plate
12. Buna/Viton/PTFE O-ring
13. Two retaining plate screws
14. Output gear 1:1
15. Carbon Guide Bearing
16. Washer - Stainless Steel
servIcInG the drIve coMponents
relieving Internal pressure
All internal pressure must be relieved to zero pressure
before disassembly or inspection of the strainer, vapor
eliminator, any valves in the system, the packing gland,
and the front or rear covers. See the Relieving Internal
Pressure warning on page 13.