Appendix b: multiple base station daisy-chaining – Clear-Com HME DX210 User Manual
Page 27

Appendix B:
Multiple Base Station Daisy-Chaining
Two or more DX210 base stations can be “daisy-chained” together with cables connected to the 2-W
connectors on the rear panels of each base station, following Clear-Com
standards, or two base
stations (not more) can be “daisy-chained” together with cables connected to the 4-W or AUX connectors.
NOTE 1: DX210 does not provide 2-wire line power, therefore, 2-wire power bypass must be used.
Pin 1 = Common
Pin 2 = Channel 1
Pin 3 = Channel 2
Pin 1 = Common
Pin 2 = N/C
Pin 3 = Audio
NOTE 2: For AUX type daisy-chaining, the cable connectors must be 3-pin XLR.
If using 4-wire connection, use cable with In/Out
crossed, as shown to the right.
(An Ethernet crossover cable will not work.)
IC In + ─── IC Out +
IC In – ─── IC Out –
IC Out + ─── IC In +
IC Out – ─── IC In –
If using 2-Wire connections, open each base station and set jumpers JP1 (IC1) and/or JP2 (IC2) in
all base stations to ON for
power detect
bypass. Set jumpers JP5 (IC1) and/or JP6 (IC2) in only one
base station per channel for termination. Refer to
Perform base station registration for each base station. Refer to
Clear-Com HME DX210 System Guide