Cashco 1000 HP Differential User Manual

Page 6

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IOM-1000HP-Dif fer en tial

25. Check rocker arm shaft (17) for wear and

straightness. Replace if damaged. Reinstall
in body (1) through rocker arm (14). Apply
thread sealant to the rocker arm shaft (17)
threads prior to tightening. Make sure that the
rocker arm shaft (17) enters the support slot
opposite the threaded opening, and does not
align crook ed and re strained from full thread
engagement of the rocker arm shaft (17).
Make sure that the rocker arm (14) prongs
that straddle the piston (24) hold the piston
collar (23) against the piston (24); do not allow
the rocker arm (14) prongs to push directly on
the piston (24).

26. Install a new di a phragm gas ket (19). Com po si-

tion (soft) diaphragms require no di a phragm
gasket. NOTE: Use only gaskets man u fac-
tured by Cashco, Inc., that are of the same
material as those originally supplied. Sub sti tu-
tion may cause im prop er gas ket com pres sion.

It may also adversely change the di a phragm
setting, which will affect the unit’s per for mance,
i.e. Option 1000-45, non-as bes tos construc-
tion utilizes special gaskets.

27. Using small gauge wire approximately 18"

(457 mm) long, form a hook and place the
hook over one prong of the rocker arm (14),
and rotate the rocker arm (14) up until slack
is removed in the mechanism. Secure the
wire through a body (1) fl ange bolt hole on
the outlet side of the regulator.

28. Firmly holding the outer perimeter, take the

di a phragm subassembly (Step 8) and lower
it down into the body (1) cavity off-center ap-
prox i mate ly 3/4"–1" (20–25 mm) and towards
the inlet side of the regulator. When fully
low ered, slide the diaphragm subassembly
hor i zon tal ly towards the regulator outlet. The
wire of Step 27. should hold the rocker (14) up
to allow en gag ing of the pusher plate and stud
(13) (with stud nut (10) and stud collar (16)),
so the rocker arm (14) prongs rest directly
on the stud collar. NOTE: DO NOT ALLOW
STUD COL LAR (16). Pull fi rmly to remove
wire holding rock
er arm (14) up.

29. Align diaphragm(s) (20) bolt holes with body

(1) fl ange bolt holes. Install new diaphragm
gasket (19) on top of diaphragm(s) (20).
Vi su al ly center range spring (27) on to pres-
sure plate (3), place spring button (4) on top
of range spring (27).

30. Aligning the matchmarks, place spring cham-

ber (2) over the above stacked parts. Install
all bolts (8), nuts (9) and nameplate (28) by
hand tightening. Tighten bolting (8 and 9) in
a cross pattern that allows spring chamber
(2) to be pulled down evenly. Recommended
torques are as follows.

Body Size Bolt Size Metal Diaph


Comp Diaph




25 ft-lb

25 ft-lb



30 ft-lb

30 ft-lb

1"–1-1/4" 1/2"-20

35 ft-lb

35 ft-lb



45 ft-lb

45 ft-lb



45 ft-lb

45 ft-lb


Minimum recommended torque regardless of gasket

ma te ri als. Some gasket materials may re quire higher
bolt torques to obtain adequate seal.


Gasket material may “set” with time; a recheck of

torques should be made if the unit has been stored
on the shelf for over 30 days.

NOTE: Never replace bolting (8 and 9) with just
any bolting. Bolt heads and nuts are marked
with spec i fi ca tion identifi cation mark ings. Use
only proper grades as re place ments.

31. Reinstall adjusting screw (6) with sealing

lock nut (7); install new closing cap gasket
(32); install closing cap (31).

32. Pressurizing the body (1) and spring chamber

(2) to the same level, soap solution test around
bolting (8 and 9), body (1), spring chamber (2)
fl anges, closing cap (31) and cylinder (21) - to
body (1) joint for leakage. Use 100 psig min i-
mum inlet pressure to leak test. Actual service
con di tions should be used if in excess of the
minimum condition. (NOTE: Do not pres sur-
ize spring chamber without equal or greater
pressure in body registering on diaphragm(s)
(20) underneath side.)

C. Diaphragm Setting Adjustment:

1. In the previous “Sub-Section B., Diaphragm

Re place ment”, care was taken to prevent
removal of the stud collar (16) and stud nut
(10). Location of the stud nut (10) is a critical
adjustment for a Model 1000 regulator.

2. Not removing the stud nut (10) will provide

per for mance equal to original factory per for-
mance when diaphragm(s) (20) is replaced
with like diaphragm(s) (20); however, if the stud
nut (10) is removed, or a switch is made from
metal to composition (soft) diaphragm(s) (20),
or vice versa, the diaphragm setting should
be checked.