Fluid Components International VORTAB User Manual

Page 16

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VORTAB Flow Conditioner

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Doc. No. 06EN003269 Rev. D

The following Return Authorization Request form and Decontamination Statement

MUST be completed, signed and faxed back to

VORTAB before

a Return Authorization Number will be issued. The signed Decontamination Statement and applicable MSDS Sheets

must be included with the shipment

. VORTAB will either fax, email or telephone you with the Return Authorization Number upon

receipt of the signed forms.

Packing Procedures

1. Devices weighing more than 50 lbs., or extending more than four feet, should be secured in wooden crates. Retaining wafers

(model VIS) and flange faces are sealing mechanisms and therefore need special attention when preparing for shipment back

to the factory. Ensure adequate protection of these surfaces. Minor scratches on these surfaces can void their pressure sealing


2. VORTAB can supply crates for a nominal fee.
3. VORTAB will not be held liable for damage caused during shipping.
4. To ensure immediate processing mark the RA number on the outside of the box. Items without an RA number marked on the box

or crate may be delayed.

5. Freight

must be “PrePaid” to VORTAB receiving door.

* Approriate dunnage as defined by UPS, will protect package contents from a drop of 3 feet.

*** Decontamination Statement *** This Section Must Be Completed ***

Exposure to hazardous materials is regulated by Federal, State, County and City laws and regulations. These laws provide VORTAB’s

employees with the “Right to Know” the hazardous or toxic materials or substances in which they may come in contact while han-

dling returned products. Consequently, VORTAB’s employees must have access to data regarding the hazardous or toxic materials

or substances the equipment has been exposed to while in a customer’s possession. Prior to returning the instrument for evaluation/

repair, VORTAB requires thorough compliance with these instructions. The signer of the Certificate must be either a knowledgeable

Engineer, Safety Manager, Industrial Hygenist or of similar knowledge or training and responsible for the safe handling of the material

to which the unit has been exposed. Returns without a legitimate Certification of Decontamination, and/or MSDS when required,

are unacceptable and shall be returned at the customer’s expense and risk. Properly executed Certifications of Decontamination

must be provided before a repair authorization (RA) number will be issued.

Certification Of Decontamination

I certify that the returned item(s) has(have) been thoroughly and completely cleaned. If the returned item(s) has(have) been ex-

posed to hazardous or toxic materials or substances, even though it (they) has (have) been thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated,

the undersigned attests that the attached Material Data Safety Sheet(s) (MSDS) covers said materials or substances completely.

Furthermore, I understand that this Certificate, and providing the MSDS, shall not waive our responsibility to provide a neutralized,

decontaminated, and clean product for evaluation/repair at VORTAB. Cleanliness of a returned item or acceptability of the MSDS

shall be at the sole discretion of VORTAB. Any item returned which does not comply with this certification shall be returned to your

location Freight Collect and at your risk.

This certification must be signed by knowledgeable personnel responsible for maintaining or managing the safety program at

your facility.

Process Flow Media _____________________________________________________________________________________

Product was or may have been exposed to the following substances: _______________________________________________

Print Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Authorized Signature ___________________________________________ Date _____________________________________

Company Title __________________________________________________________________________________________