Hes (option for top control type 8630), English – Burkert Type 2702 User Manual
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Remove any lead seals or fastenings present between cover and housing.
Turn the cover anticlockwise and lift it off.
settIng the IndUCtIve PRoxIMItY swItChes
(oPtIon foR toPCONTROL tYPe 8630)
Screw to adjust the lower proximity switch
Screw to adjust the upper proximity switch
Turning clockwise
causes upward adjustment
danger of injury from electrical voltage in the open topControl.
Switch the operating power off to the Top
Control before opening!
Turning anticlockwise
causes downward adjustment
Plug connectors may be damaged or loosened.
On adjusting the height of the inductive proximity switches, make sure that adjacent flexes
are not pulled (e.g. by getting hooked in the proximity switches).
Caution! Plug connectors may be damaged or loosened.
opening the housing of the toPControl Continuous
Positioning the inductive proximity switches
The inductive proximity switches are positioned vertically with one adjusting screw each: