Burkert Type 0333 User Manual
Page 2

The operaTing insTrucTions
The operating instructions contain important information.
▶ Read the instructions carefully and follow the safety instructions.
▶ Keep the instructions in a location where they are available to every
The liability and warranty for the device are void if the operating
instructions are not followed.
1.1 symbols
▶ Designates instructions for risk prevention.
Designates a procedure which you must carry out.
Immediate danger! Serious or fatal injuries.
Possible danger! Serious or fatal injuries.
Danger! Moderate or minor injuries.
Table of Contents
1 The operating instructions ..................................................................................................2
2 Authorized use ..............................................................................................................................3
3 Basic safety instructions.......................................................................................................4
4 System description ....................................................................................................................5
5 Technical data................................................................................................................................6
6 Assembly ...........................................................................................................................................8
7 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................10
8 Disassembly .................................................................................................................................12
9 Maintenance, troubleshooting .......................................................................................12
10 Transportation, storage, disposal ................................................................................13
auThorized use
The device is designed to control, shut off and meter neutral
and aggressive media up to a viscosity of 37 mm²/s.
▶ Use according to the authorized data, operating conditions and
conditions of use specified in the contract documents and operat-
ing instructions.
▶ Provided the cable plug is connected and installed correctly, e.g.
Bürkert Type 2508, the device satisfies degree of protection IP65
in accordance with DIN EN 60529 / IEC 60529.
Only operate the device
▶ when in perfect condition and always ensure proper storage, trans-
portation, installation and operation.
▶ Use the device only as intended.
2.1 restrictions
If exporting the device, observe any existing restrictions.
Warns of damage to property.
Important tips and recommendations.
Refers to information in these operating instructions or in other
1.2 definitions of terms
In these instructions, the term "device" always refers to the Type 0121,
0330, 0331, (0124, 0125, 0332, 0333).
Basic safeTy insTrucTions
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any contingencies
and events which may arise during assembly, operation and maintenance.
Risk of injury from high pressure in the system/device.
▶ Before working on the system or device, switch off the pressure
and vent/drain lines.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock.
▶ Before working on the system or device, switch off the power supply
and secure to prevent reactivation.
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
electrical equipment.
Risk of burns/risk of fire if used for a prolonged switch-on time
through hot device surface.
▶ Keep device away from highly flammable substances and media and
do not touch with bare hands.
Risk of injury due to malfunction of valves with alternating
voltage (AC).
Sticking core causes coil to overheat, resulting in a malfunction.
▶ Monitor process to ensure function is in perfect working order.
Risk of short-circuit/escape of media through leaking screw
▶ Ensure seals are seated correctly.
▶ Carefully screw valve and pipelines together.
Type 0121 / 0330 / 0331