American Dryer Corp. ADS-464 II User Manual

Page 66

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• Retest; verify that the signal is operational

4.0 “DRUM FAULT MESSAGE” Malfunction


1) Stop Motion Detector module or sensor

2) Wiring back to main electrical enclosure


1) Open the Main Electrical Enclosure locate input #0, 10 on the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).

With control voltage “ON” (“green” Push-Button), use the pendant to rotate the tumbler (basket).

Notice a L.E.D. (light emitting diode) on as the tumbler (basket) is rotating.

• If the L.E.D. (light emitting diode) is off, refer to section #1a

1a) If the LED (light emitting diode) is off:

• Check Fuse 2; replace if necessary

• Rotate the tumbler (basket) using the pendant control, and adjust the stop

• Does the module’s L.E.D. respond?

• If yes, adjust the “Time Adjust” until the L.E.D. (light emitting diode) is on during rotation 15 to

20 seconds after the tumbler (basket) stops

• If “NO,” check:

• Inductive proximity sensor is located in the same area as the tumbler (basket) junction box

• Inductive proximity mechanical adjustment

• The target that is attached to the outside of the basket

• Stop motion detector module

• Circuit wiring; refer to ADS-464 Main Panel Wiring Diagram, ADS-464 Tumbler Junction

Box Wiring Diagram

1b) If the L.E.D. (light emitting diode) is constantly “ON”

• If “YES,” the stop motion detector is defective

• If “NO,” check:

• Inductive proximity sensor for damage. The proximity sensor is located in the same area as

the tumbler (basket) junction box

• Inductive proximity mechanical adjustment