C. compressed air system – American Dryer Corp. ADS-464 II User Manual
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The compressed air system of the ADS-464 dryer consists of a number of pneumatic pistons located throughout
the dryer, a Filter Regulator assembly, and pneumatic control panel.
1. Air Pistons
The pistons are actuated by solenoid and flow control valves that are under computer control. The pneumatic
pistons are used to:
Tilt the dryer for loading and unloading.
Open and close LOAD and UNLOAD doors.
Operate heat reclaimer.
Operate the cool down damper and the intake air damper.
2. Filter Regulator Assembly
The compressed air supply to the dryer is connected into the 3/8-inch F.P.T.
fitting located on the rear corner of the lower heat console. This is connected
to the Filter Regulator assembly which is located at the bottom rear of the
lower heat console section.
The Filter Regulator assembly performs two (2) functions;
a. The filter removes most solids and liquid particles from the compressed
air stream and traps them in its bowl where this waste can be readily
removed through the drain valve at the bottom of the bowl.
The filter bowl should be cleaned monthly.
b. The regulator will maintain a nearly constant outlet air pressure of 80 PSI
(552 kPa) so that the dryers air pistons will function normally despite
upstream air pressure variation.
3. Pneumatic Control Panel
The pneumatic control panel of a 2-Way Tilt dryer has two (2) tilting solenoid valves, one to control the front
set of tilting pistons and a second to control the rear set of tilting pistons. A 1-Way Tilt dryer has only one (1)
tilting solenoid valve.
Each valve has five (5) 1/2-inch F.P.T. ports and two (2) electric solenoids, one on each side of the valve.
To tilt the dryer back, a 120 volt signal is applied to the front pistons solenoid connector #S5, and no voltage
is applied to the solenoid connector #S8. The internal spool in the valve will move and 80 PSI (552 kPa) of
air will enter the bottom port of the front tilting pistons, extending the front tilting piston rods and tilting the
dryer back for loading. The top piston ports are bled to the atmosphere. To level the dryer after loading, the
voltage signals are reversed. No voltage is applied to the S5 solenoid, and 120 volts are applied to the
S8 solenoid. The valve spool will now move so that 80 PSI (552 kPa) of air is applied at the top piston
ports, while the bottom piston ports are bled to the atmosphere. The piston rods will now retract, leveling the
dryer. On 2-Way Tilt dryers, the rear tilting piston solenoid valve acts in the same manner.