Programming the Mio R-4
Mio Modero R-4
? Button Query Commands (Cont.)
Get the current text information
Get the current text information.
SEND_COMMAND ,"'?TXT-,range>,'"Variables:• variable text address range = 1 - 4000.• button states range = 1 - 256 for multi-state buttons (0 = All states, for General buttons 1 = Off state and 2 = On state).• optional index = This is used if a string was too long to get back in one command. The reply will start at this index.• custom event type = 1001: Flag - Zero Value1 - Button state number Value2 - Actual length of string Value3 - Index Text - Text from the button Text length - Button text lengthExample:SEND COMMAND Device,"'?TXT-529,1'"Gets the button 'OFF state' text information.The result sent to the Master would be: ButtonGet Id = 529 Type = 1001 Flag = 0 VALUE1 = 1 VALUE2 = 14 VALUE3 = 1 TEXT = This is a test TEXT LENGTH = 14
• variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
• button states range = 1 - 256 for multi-state buttons
(0 = All states, for General buttons 1 = Off state and 2 = On state).
• optional index = This is used if a string was too long to get back in one command. The
reply will start at this index.
• custom event type = 1001:
Flag - Zero
Value1 - Button state number
Value2 - Actual length of string
Value3 - Index
Text - Text from the button
Text length - Button text length
SEND COMMAND Device,"'?TXT-529,1'"
Gets the button 'OFF state' text information.
The result sent to the Master would be:
ButtonGet Id = 529 Type = 1001
Flag = 0
VALUE1 = 1
VALUE2 = 14
VALUE3 = 1
TEXT = This is a test