Power control strategy, Security, Idle stepper motor setting (v3.52p or later – MoTeC PWC Plug-In ECU User Manual
Page 25: Or later), Motec

Sea-Doo 2004 – 2009 Installation
Power Control Strategy
The standard Sea-Doo RXP, RXP-X and RXT use an Ignition Lanyard with an
immobiliser function to power up the craft. If the Ignition Lanyard is inserted,
pressing the Start/Stop Button on the left handlebar will start and stop the
The installation of the PWC Plug-In ECU solution still uses the
Lanyard but without the immobiliser function. It follows the same strategy as
the 2007 model Sea-Doo crafts:
• Power is continuously applied to the ECU while the Lanyard is connected.
Tuning adjustments, log downloads, and ECU configuration file
may all be performed without interruption.
• If the engine is not started, or is stopped for longer than 4 seconds, the
M400 Marine ECU sounds the warning beeper in repeated bursts of 4
short pulses.
• Power is removed from the ECU only by removing the Ignition Lanyard.
The Sea-Doo RXP, RXP-X and RXT use an encoded Ignition Lanyard which
is paired with the factory ECU.
The PWC Plug-In installation does not include the immobiliser function
important to secure the craft when not in use for example by
IGN4 device from the wiring harness.
Idle Stepper Motor Setting (V3.52P or later
If the PWC shows stalling behaviour when the throttle is closed suddenly, it
may help to reset the throttle stop screw for a higher base idle RPM setting.
The standard throttle stop screw has a tamper-proof cover and is very
securely glued to the throttle body with loctite. The screw can be very carefully
removed (warning - risk of breakage), and replaced with an M5
M5 lock nut.
To reset a newly installed stop screw
Connect to the ECU Manager program on a PC.
Observe the Throttle Position (TP%) in the Sensors list, or press ‘V’
for the Sensor View screen.
Wind in the stop screw until the throttle position reads just over zero.
Wind back until exactly zero is shown.
Ignition Lanyard with an
immobiliser function to power up the craft. If the Ignition Lanyard is inserted,
pressing the Start/Stop Button on the left handlebar will start and stop the
In ECU solution still uses the Ignition
Lanyard but without the immobiliser function. It follows the same strategy as
Power is continuously applied to the ECU while the Lanyard is connected.
Tuning adjustments, log downloads, and ECU configuration file downloads
stopped for longer than 4 seconds, the
M400 Marine ECU sounds the warning beeper in repeated bursts of 4
he Ignition Lanyard.
use an encoded Ignition Lanyard which
In installation does not include the immobiliser function. It is
for example by removing the
or later)
the PWC shows stalling behaviour when the throttle is closed suddenly, it
may help to reset the throttle stop screw for a higher base idle RPM setting.
proof cover and is very
. The screw can be very carefully
risk of breakage), and replaced with an M5 set screw with
%) in the Sensors list, or press ‘V’
Wind in the stop screw until the throttle position reads just over zero.