Sensor placement – MoTeC PLM User Manual
Page 7

Meter Operation
If the PLM loses control of the sensor at any point, then the sensor warm-up
process is repeated and these codes are displayed again.
Sensor Readings
The displayed format of sensor readings can be configured to select the display
units, decimal places, update rates and filtering. For more information, see
Setup | Display in the PLM Setup Software section.
If the reading is too large to be displayed using the configured settings, the
display will only show ‘- -‘.
The backlight intensity is configurable from 0% to 100%.
Sensor Placement
The sensor should be fitted to the exhaust system with the sensor tip protruding
into the exhaust gas flow. The sensor placement should be on an angle of
between 10 and 90 degrees to the vertical, with the tip of the sensor pointing
down. This is to ensure that no condensed water builds up between the sensor
case and the sensor ceramic. It should not be placed vertically due to excess
heat soak in this position.
It is recommended that where possible the sensor be placed at least 1m from
the exhaust ports to avoid excessive heat and at least 1m from the open end of
the exhaust system to avoid incorrect readings due to outside oxygen. This is
however not mandatory, and where necessary for shorter exhaust systems the
sensor should be placed closer to the engine.
The placement of the sensor should be away from the flame front coming out of
the cylinder head and away from areas where one cylinder may have more
affect than another.