MoTeC PLM User Manual
Page 16

PLM Setup Software
Display Update Rate:
The update rate of the displayed value can be from 1 to 10 times per
Filter Time:
The display data can be filtered so that it is more stable and easier to
read. This filtering is independent of the update rate. The filter time can
be specified in 0.1second units from 0 to 25 seconds.
Backlight Intensity:
Backlight intensity is configurable from 0 to 100%
Setup | Digital Inputs
Device Activation:
If digital inputs are not used for PLM activation, the ‘Run always’ option
should be selected. The remaining four options allow the PLM to be
activated either while a digital input (1 or 2) remains active, or after a
digital input (1 or 2) first becomes active.
If one of digital input device activation modes is selected, the
corresponding digital input mode must be configured as Active Low,
Active High or Measure RPM. This allows the PLM to be configured to
operate only when measuring RPM, or when a switch is set.
Input 1 Mode:
‘Off’ – digital input 1 is disabled
‘Active High’ – digital input 1 is active when the input voltage is high
‘Active Low’ – digital input 1 is active when the input voltage is low
‘Measure RPM’ – digital input 1 is active when a non-zero RPM is
measured and the RPM value is transmitted in the CAN and RS232 data
streams (if configured under the communications setup).
RPM Pulses per Revolution:
If Input 1 Mode is ‘Measure RPM’ the number of pulses per engine
revolution must be specified here to calibrate the RPM measurement.