MoTeC PLM User Manual

Page 17

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PLM Setup Software


Input 2 Mode:

Off’ – digital input 2 is disabled

Active High’ – digital input 2 is active when the input voltage is high

Active Low’ – digital input 2 is active when the input voltage is low

Display Other Output Table When Low’ – the other output table is used
for the display value while digital input 2 is low. For example, if Output to
Display (in the Setup | Display menu) is table 2, then table 1 will be
displayed while digital input 2 is low.

Setup | CAN Messages

The configuration templates included with PLM Setup are all configured to send
CAN data to a MoTeC ADL (Advanced Dash Logger) or M800 ECU by default.

The Output to Transmit parameter specifies the output table to be used for
transmitted values.

The Output Table Setup dialog is displayed when the Output Tables button is

Note that the two tables setup in this dialog are used for displayed values,
transmitted values and analog outputs, but each function can use either table 1
or table 2.

For use with MoTeC equipment (ADL or M800), the selected table must be
setup for Lambda with 3 decimal places. Other table setups should only be
used for interfacing with third party equipment.

For basic CAN communications with an ADL, the Address parameter for
Message 1 should match the address in the PLM CAN communications
template loaded in the ADL.

If multiple PLMs (up to six units) are connected to an ADL then each should be
given a different address. The addresses chosen must match those of the PLM
CAN communication templates provided with Dash Manager. For example, the
ADL template ‘PLM #1 (CAN ID 460)’ requires that the Message 1 Address be
460. Note that “CAN Collect” functionality is the preferred method for
communications from more than one PLM to an ADL.

For basic CAN communications with an M800 ECU, the Address parameter for
Message 1 should be 460 for the first PLM, 461 for second PLM etc.

Only advanced users should change the other CAN message settings, or
configure Collect Master functionality. CAN Messages are covered in more
detail in the PLM Communications section.