MoTeC M880 User Manual
Page 82

80 Appendices
Lambda Inputs
Sensor Type: NTK or Bosch LSU
Measurement Range : 0.70 to 32.0 Lambda
Narrow Band
The LA1S and LA2S inputs may be used to measure the voltage of
normal narrow band oxygen sensors.
Note: If closed loop control is to be used then an external 33k ohm bias
resistor from the input to 0V is required to bias the input to
stoichiometric (0.45V) while the sensor is cold.
Voltage Input
The LA1S and LA2S inputs may be used as ordinary voltage inputs.
Specifications are the same as the Analog Voltage inputs except the
inputs include a 220k ohm resistor to 5V.
Digital Inputs
Suitable for : Switch to 0V, Logic signal & open collector device (eg Hall
Pullup Resistor : 4700 ohms to 5V
Voltage Range : 0 to 15V
Positive Trigger Threshold : 3.5 V max
Negative Threshold : 1.0 V min
Hysteresis : 0.5 V Min
Filter Time Constant : 22usec
Trigger Edge: Programmable
Measurement Methods: Switched, Speed / Frequency, Period, Pulse Width