MoTeC M880 User Manual
Page 58

ECU Manager Software
Context sensitive help is available by pressing F1 or clicking on the help
button, this shows help that is relevant to the current screen.
General help is available from the Help menu.
Main Menu
The Main Menu is used to access all of the features of the ECU Manager
Select a menu item by using the mouse or use the keyboard by holding down
the Alt key followed by the keys corresponding to the underlined letter of the
menu items to be selected. For example to select File | Exit hold down the
Alt key then press F then X. Alternatively press the F10 key then use the
arrow keys and the Enter key to select the desired menu item.
Unavailable Menu Items
Note that some menu items may be unavailable if the ECU is not connected
or a file is not opened.
Unavailable items appear grey.
Button Bar (Toolbar)
The Button Bar provides an alternative way of activating some of the
commonly used items on the main menu. To find out what each item does
hold the mouse pointer over the button of interest until a hint appears.
Note that some items will not be available depending on whether the ECU is
connected and if a calibration file is open.
Status Bar
The bottom line on the screen is called the Status Bar and shows the
ECU Status: Connected or NOT Connected (if the ECU is connected the
ECU firmware version is also shown). If the ECU is not connected the