AVTECH Room Alert 3E Monitor (RA3E-ES0-BAS) User Manual
Page 34

Room Alert 3E
AVTECH Software, Inc.
• Your Room Alert 3E can immediately send an update to Device ManageR when it
detects an alarm, regardless of any intervals you have configured either in this section
or in the Device ManageR discovery interval.
To enable Push to Device ManageR from your Room Alert 3E:
1. Select
Enable Device ManageR Push
2. In “Server IP Address,” enter the IP address of Device ManageR’s host system.
3. In “Server Port,” enter the port Device ManageR uses. The default is 8080.
4. In “Push Interval,” choose the number of minutes you would like between pushes from
the drop-down list.
5. Click
Accept Changes
at the bottom of your screen.
6. Click
Save Settings
in the navigation bar to the left of your screen.
Time & Date Configuration
You may set the time and date defaults for your Room Alert 3E here.
1. In “Time Zone,” select your time zone from the drop-down list. Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT) is the default.
2. In “Time Display,” you may select the 12- or 24-hour format from the drop-down list.
The 24-hour setting is the default.