Trigger functions, Audio demodulation – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-ESRP Series User Manual
Page 12

Version 01.01, January 2013
Rohde & Schwarz R&S
ESRP EMI Test Receiver
Trigger functions
Trigger source
analyzer mode
free run, video, external, IF power
receiver mode
free run, video, external
Trigger offset
analyzer mode, span ≥ 10 Hz
31.25 ns to 30 s,
min. resolution = 31.25 ns
(or 1 % of offset)
analyzer mode, span = 0 Hz
(–sweep time) to 30 s,
min. resolution = 31.25 ns
(or 1 % of offset)
Max. deviation of trigger offset
analyzer mode
±(7.8125 ns + (0.1 % × trigger offset))
IF power trigger (analyzer mode)
min. signal power
–60 dBm + RF attenuation – RF pre-
amplifier gain (nom.)
max. signal power
–10 dBm + RF attenuation – RF pre-
amplifier gain (nom.)
IF power trigger bandwidth
RBW > 500 kHz, swept
40 MHz (nom.)
RBW > 20 kHz, FFT
RBW ≤ 500 kHz, swept
6 MHz (nom.)
RBW ≤ 20 kHz, FFT
Gated sweep (analyzer mode)
Gate source
video, external, IF power
Gate delay
31.25 ns to 30 s,
min. resolution = 31.25 ns
(or 1 % of delay)
Gate length
31.25 ns to 30 s,
min. resolution = 31.25 ns
(or 1 % of gate length)
Max. deviation of gate length
±(7.8125 ns + (0.1 % × gate length))
Audio demodulation
AF demodulation types
AM and FM
Audio output
loudspeaker and phone jack
Marker stop time in spectrum mode
100 ms to 60 s