Mentor 12 – Atec EuroSMC-Mentor-12 User Manual
Page 8

Timer Settings
Binary input selection and trip mode
Binary inputs configuration
Internet upgrading
States sequence with GPS
Timer Settings: Timer start and stop conditions can be quickly adjusted to the test needs. The timer
can be programmed to start by the status changes in the Power Outputs, by the action of a Binary Input
combination, or by the status change of any Binary Output. Timer stops by the trip action at the Binary
Input logic, which setting is straightforward selected. After the stop of the timer, voltage and/or
current outputs can be immediately switched off or delayed to simulate switch time.
A countdown timer can also be programmed to stop the outputs or to load the previous state with the
desired time in milliseconds.
Battery Simulator: The MENTOR 12 has a built-in battery simulator up to 250 Vdc, which must be
used to supply the relays being tested and which require an auxiliary power supply. The Battery
Simulator control is available in all the accessible function screens.
Internet upgrading and Maintenance: the MENTOR 12 will never become obsolete because all its
functional elements are completely programmable. The user can upgrade its software over the internet
and install plug-and-play hardware options with no external assistance. All hardware and software
configurations can be updated by internet. The user enjoys free updates of new features and modules
made by EuroSMC.
Harmonics: set of controls to easily regulate different harmonics contents in the voltage and/or current
channels. The control allows selecting the desired Harmonic (2 to 33 in 60 Hz base frequency and 2
to 40 in 50 HZ base frequency) for the channel group. On each channel it is possible to regulate both
the harmonic content in percentage and the angle where it is going to be inserted into the fundamental
waveform. The possibility to work with the two parameters makes possible to generate with the
desired Crest Factor (also called Form Factor), which is important mainly in testing old electromechanical
and electronic analog relays, which are sensitive to this parameter.
Cape Test files converter: Now all the EuroSMC's MENTOR 12 users may convert the Cape SS1 files
into a file directly readable from a USB pendrive by the MENTOR 12 test set, and perform the test in
few seconds by using the EuroSMC's CAPE SS1 to MENTOR converter software, which allow the user
to directly download the sequence values into the States Sequencer and perform the test immediately.
The States Sequencer may be triggered either manually or through the GPS or IRIG-B time synchronized
options available for the MENTOR 12 unit, making an ideal tool for End-to-End testing. The Cape software
is a popular program for network simulation and shorcircuit analysis, which allow the user to calculate
the fault values in a network point and make possible to obtain a file which contains all the information
of the prefault, fault and post fault values and the duration of each state. It is also possible to obtain
a full states sequence corresponding to a reclosing cycle.
IEC-61850– GOOSE module: MENTOR 12 is IEC-61850 compatible. The option MENTOR IEC 61850
is a GOOSE Messages Interface Board which consists in a plug & play electronic board that installs
into the Control Bus of any MENTOR 12. The configuration software tool is included in the MENTOR 12
internal software, avoiding the use of an external computer, and allows to subscribe/publish the GOOSE
This option works through the RJ-45 connector, which connects with the IEC-61850 bus and use the
information contained in the GOOSE messages as logic inputs and also it is able to broadcast GOOSE
messages that acts as logic outputs, exactly in the same way that the current MENTOR 12 electrical
I/O works, but avoiding the wiring of the I/O to the relay inputs and outputs.
The IEC 61850 option can be installed in any existing or future MENTOR 12.
MENTOR-GPS/IRIG-B: The MENTOR 12 equipment allows for this synchronism by the use of two
alternatives of very precise time reference inputs: GPS and IRIG/B. It requires the installation of the
corresponding Printed Circuit Board. GPS and IRIG/B boards are plug & play; once the hardware has
been detected and the signal is received, the unit is in disposition to initiate a state sequence or execute
a COMTRADE file in a previously defined instant with a precision of microseconds. User can upgrade
the MENTOR 12 with these optional boards at any time by themselves, without needing to send back
the unit to factory.
Mentor12 EN v3_SMC fichas 09/08/13 15:09 Página 8