Atec EuroSMC-Mentor-12 User Manual

Page 7

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Binary Search

State Sequencer function

COMTRADE transient playback

Results Manager

Measurement settings

Fault Playback: This function allow the playback of COMTRADE fault description files, both binary and

ASCII, according to IEEE STD C37.111-1999. This is very useful to analyze the protection

´s behavior

against a previously recorded fault, or a simulated fault (from network simulation programs), reproducing

this transient faults recordings at a specific sampling frequency.

COMTRADE files can be directly read from a USB pendrive, select the section to be played and

analyze the response of the relay at the binary inputs in the MENTOR 12. User can edit and discard

the unneeded signal’s sections or adjust the best transformation ratio for the playback.

This makes it possible to check if the relay

´s reaction differs between the recording and its behavior

during playback, and also to analyze how other protection device operates under the same conditions.

If the GPS option is installed, it is possible to synchronize the file playback through this external time



Results Manager: This module allows saving both the test results and configuration of Advanced test

functions, so that they can be repeated as desired. Results are saved in a USB pendrive.

The system can save as many tests as needed in Report files, being a way to automate tests for specific

relays. The reports can be displayed on the PC, exported and/or printed, using the Report Viewer for

Windows, which is included as standard in every MENTOR.

After any advanced function test, we can add the results to any existing report, with a new name for

this test and a description. The test is recorded with date and time and the function type. The saved

collection of user-defined and customized test routines will provide a valuable asset of ready-to-use

test tools for each relay type and protective function. The user only needs to choose one from the list

in the Results Manager and press Execute.

Binary Inputs Configuration: The MENTOR 12 has 12 (Logic) Binary Inputs grouped together in 6 isolated

pairs, in order to be able to detect the behavior of the logic outputs of the relay or protection scheme

that is being tested. The Binary Inputs can be configured to detect both Dry Contact operation signals,

or Wet Contacts, that is, a signal with voltage applied to them (1.5 or 15V threshold up to 400V pk

ac or dc). Each Binary Input can be programmed to be active High or Active Low (NO, NC).

Binary Outputs Configuration: There are 8 Binary (Logic) Outputs in the MENTOR 12, in order to be

able to program their behavior so the action of devices in the protection scheme that is being tested

can be simulated. Each Binary Output can be configured as: Relay /Open Collector, and NO/NC mode.

Binary I/O Monitor: The MENTOR 12 is permanently monitoring the Binary Inputs states, and reflecting

any change at both the screens of test results and in the Logger; furthermore, the user can also monitor

on-screen any status change of all the Binary Inputs at any time, which facilitate testing and verifying

the relay

´s reaction during the test execution.

Similarly, Binary Outputs status is displayed on the screen, monitoring the pre-programmed activity

of them at any of the functions; besides that, the user can also activate or deactivate manually any

of the Binary Outputs, if required by the simulated protection scheme, from the Binary Outputs control

on the main screen.

Meter & Measuring: Measurement configuration section to configure the settings for analog and binary

measurement. This functionality, specifically designed to test transducers with analog output in VDC

or mA DC or counters with analog or digital output by pulses, makes the conversion from the magnitude

measured at the input (V, mA, Pulses) to the units that are assumed to be the nominal ones of the

element to be tested (V, A, KVA, Kw, Kvar, Kw, time, etc) entering the ratio between both. Optical scanning

heads for capturing pulses emitted by the energy meters (non-visible infrared LED and visible) are optional

accessories available. The multifunction display in the main control panel shows the values measured

in the analog input and binary input in real time.

Logger: Automatic recording available in MENTOR 12, where any event is registered, such as the activation

of the outputs, and changes at the binary inputs and outputs. The events listing are displayed with the

time recorded for each, to correctly analyze the performance of the relay.

Mentor12 EN v3_SMC fichas 09/08/13 15:09 Página 7