Audio analysis today and tomorrow, Analog and digital, Superior analysis concept – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-UPL User Manual
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Audio Analyzer UPL
Analog and digital
Audio signal processing is nowadays
no longer conceivable without the use
of digital techniques. Yet, analog tech-
nology continues to exist and under-
goes constant improvement. State-of-
the-art measuring instruments must
therefore be able to handle both ana-
log and digital signal processing.
Audio Analyzer UPL performs practi-
cally all types of analog measurement,
from frequency response measure-
ments through to externally controlled
sweeps with reference traces, determi-
nation of 3rd-order difference fre-
quency distortion, spectral display of
demodulated wow and flutter signals,
etc. In contrast to many other audio
analyzers, UPL is capable of perform-
ing real dual-channel measurements in
the audio-frequency range, ie there is
no need for switch-over between two
inputs and this type of measurement is
not limited to a few special cases.
The generator is every bit as versatile:
it supplies any conceivable signal from
sinewave and noise signals through to
multi-sinewave signals comprising up to
7400 frequencies.
In addition to all this, UPL features
excellent technical data: analog sine-
wave generation with harmonics of
120 dB, spectrum displays with
a noise floor below
140 dB for ana-
log and
160 dB for digital interfaces,
FFT with a maximum frequency resolu-
tion of 0.05 Hz, etc.
UPL provides signal monitoring via
loudspeaker, jitter measurements on
digital audio signals, resynchroniza-
tion of jittered digital audio signals by
means of a jitter-free clock signal, and
many more features.
Superior analysis concept
UPL performs all measurements using
digital signal processing. Analog sig-
nals to be tested undergo elaborate
preprocessing before they are digi-
tized and measured by means of dig-
ital routines. For example, in THD
measurements, the fundamental is
attenuated by means of a notch filter
and the residual signal amplified by
30 dB before it is digitized. In this way,
the dynamic range can be extended
Audio analysis today and tomorrow
Audio Analyzer UPL