Fast and efficient, High measurement speed, Use in production – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-UPL User Manual
Page 12

Audio Analyzer UPL
High measurement speed
In designing Audio Analyzer UPL,
particular emphasis was placed on
optimizing the measurement speed of
the test system as a whole:
• All operations involving elabo-
rate computing are carried out by
digital signal processors. The PC
is merely used for control of the
unit and display of results
• UPL can perform even complex
test functions simultaneously on
both channels. This feature alone
reduces the time for stereo meas-
urements by 50% compared with
most analyzers available on the
• The digital test routines adapt
their speed optimally to the input
frequency. This enhances meas-
urement speed especially in the
case of frequency sweeps
• UPL performs harmonic distor-
tion and IMD measurements us-
ing patented, digital test proce-
dures that combine high accura-
cy with high measurement speed
• Digital signal processing reduc-
es setting and transient times
achievable with purely analog
instruments. These times are also
taken into account in the test rou-
tines, yielding stable measure-
ments without the need for acti-
vating settling functions (these
are understood to be repeated
measurements until results are
within a tolerance band)
• The user interface was tailored to
the requirements of a test, not of an
office environment
• Display windows not needed can
be switched off, which also cuts
down the processing time. When
all displays are switched off and
results are output via the IEC/IEEE
bus, more than 100 level measure-
ments per second can be made
Use in production
Instruments to be used in production
tests must satisfy a variety of require-
• High measurement speed is vital
for achieving a high production
throughput. By making appropri-
ate use of the instrument functions,
go/nogo decisions can be made
already in the audio analyzer, thus
reducing the run time of a DUT
(Fig. 8)
• Two-channel measurements allow
the simultaneous and thus time-
saving determination of input and
output characteristics
• The use of FFT analysis provides a
decisive advantage especially in
the case of frequency response
measurements, which are particu-
larly time-critical (example:
approx. 900 frequency values in
150 ms)
• Long calibration intervals, resulting
from the extensive use of digital
circuits, make for high availability
of the instrument
• Model UPL66 is specially tailored
to the requirements of production.
It comes without a display and key-
pad, thus saving purchasing costs.
Yet the unit can be operated manu-
ally by connecting a PC keyboard
and a VGA monitor, enabling fast
fault localization in the event of
production problems
Fast and efficient
UPL66 – special model for use in test systems,
with the full flexibility of the standard model