Atec Agilent-EPM Series User Manual
Page 4
N1913A/14A EPM Series Power Meters Performance Characteristics
Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance and apply
after a 30 minute warm-up. These specifications are valid over its operating/
environmental range unless otherwise stated and after performing a zero and
calibration procedure.
Supplemental characteristics (shown in italics) are intended to provide addi-
tional information, useful in applying the instrument by giving typical (expected),
but not warranted performance parameters. These characteristics are shown in
italics or labeled as “typical”, “nominal” or “approximate”.
Compatible power sensors
Agilent 8480 Series
Agilent E9300 E-Series
Agilent E4410 E-Series
Agilent N8480 Series
Agilent U2000 Series
Frequency range
9 kHz to 110 GHz, sensor dependent
Power range
–70 dBm to +44 dBm (100 pW to 25 W), sensor dependent
Single sensor dynamic range
90 dB maximum (Agilent E-Series power sensors)
50 dB maximum (Agilent 8480 Series power sensors)
55 dBm maximum (Agilent N8480 Series power sensors)
80 dBm maximum (Agilent U2000 Series USB power sensors)
Display units
Absolute: Watts or dBm
Relative: Percent or dB
Display resolution
Selectable resolution of: 1.0, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 dB in logarithmic mode, or 1, 2, 3 and 4 significant
digits in linear mode
Default resolution
0.01dB in logarithmic mode or three digits in linear mode
Absolute accuracy
±0.02 dB (Logarithmic) or ±0.5% (Linear). Please add the corresponding power sensor linearity
percentage from Tables 6, 9 and 10 (for the E-Series sensors), Table 14 (for the 8480 series sensors)
and Table 16 (for N8480 sensors) to assess the overall system accuracy.
Relative accuracy
±0.04 dB (Logarithmic) or ±1.0% (Linear). Please add the corresponding power sensor linearity
percentage from the mentioned tables above to assess the overall system accuracy.
Zero set
(digital settability of zero)
Power sensor dependent (refer Table 1), this specification applies when zeroing is performed with
the sensor input disconnected from the POWER REF.
Zero drift of sensors
This parameter is also called long term stability and is the change in the power meter indication
over a long time (within one hour) at a constant temperature after a 24-hour warm-up of the power
meter. Sensor dependent, refer to Table 1. For E9300 sensors, refer to Table 11 for complete data.
Measurement noise
Sensor dependent, refer to Tables 1 and 2. For E9300 sensors, refer to Table 11 for complete data.
Effects of averaging on noise
Averaging over 1 to 1024 readings is available for reducing noise. Table 1 provides the
measurement noise for a particular power sensor with the number of averages set to 16 for normal
mode and 32 for x2 mode. Use the “Noise Multiplier” for the appropriate mode (normal or x2) and
number of averages to determine the total measurement noise value.
For example: For an Agilent 8481D power sensor in normal mode with the number of averages set
to 4, the measurement noise is equal to: (<45 pW x 2.75) = <124 pW