GE Industrial Solutions SG Series 225 & 300 Operating Manual User Manual
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User Manual SG Series 225 & 300 UL S2
7.2.2 Parallel System shutdown with Load transfer on Manual Bypass Q2 (option)
Not following this procedure can cause protected loads to shut down!
Never close or open either UPS Output Switch Q1 and Manual Bypass switch Q2
(option) with the inverter running!
Initial situation: the Load is powered by all inverters of the Parallel System.
If eBoost™ option is available, make sure that eBoost™ Operation Mode is
disabled before starting the shutdown procedure.
The complete UPS Parallel System has to be turned OFF, while providing the load
power by Utility through all Manual Bypass Q2 (option).
With the UPS Parallel System in normal operation and the inverters supplying the Load, the UPS Output
Switches Q1 are closed (Pos. I) and the Manual Bypass Switches Q2 (option) are open (Pos. O).
The External Battery Switch or Fuses are closed (Pos. I).
The Synoptic Diagram, on all UPS units, must display the
1. Disconnect the Inverter by pressing the “Inverter OFF” ( O ) key on all Units, and hold until the LED 5
(Inverter available) turns OFF.
• At no redundancy, the system will transfer to Utility supply. LED 5 (Inverter available) is Off.
• LED Alarm is lit and the LED Operation is Off.
The Synoptic Diagram, on all UPS units, must display the status “LOAD SUPPLIED BY AUTOMATIC BYPASS”.
Synoptic Diagram of first unit
Synoptic Diagram of other units
2. Close the Manual Bypass Switch Q2 (Pos. I) on all Units.
• Load is now supplied from Utility in parallel from Automatic Bypass and Manual Bypass Q2 of all Units.
• LED 8 (Automatic Bypass ON) and LED 9 (Manual Bypass Q2 ON) are lit.
The Synoptic Diagram, on all UPS units, must display the status “LOAD SUPPLIED BY AUTOMATIC BYPASS
Synoptic Diagram of first unit
Synoptic Diagram of other units