GE Industrial Solutions Easy View User Manual

Page 16

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Tyco Electronics EasyView Software for the Galaxy Controller

Setup Sites Tutorial - 10

Issue 8 January 2008

Handshaking: This is set for the flow control of data. This will

normally be set to none. If data overruns occur, try HW first and
then SW. Backup and restore will not work with SW (software)

Data Carrier Detect: Check this box to enable EasyView to

detect a dropped connection. Normally, this box should be
checked. If telephone lines are noisy and EasyView reports
“Galaxy Logged off” unexpectedly, uncheck this box.

Dialing Prefix: Specifies character string that EasyView will send to

the modem to instruct it to dial subsequent digits specified in the
phone number field of Site setup. For Hayes compatible modems,
this string is ATDTW for dial tone lines and ATDPW for dial pulse
lines. This is also a good place for entering access codes. For
instance, if your local access code is 9, enter ATDTW 9. If your long
distance access code is #7, enter ATDTW #7. Once you have entered
the local access code here, do not include it with your phone number
in the Site Configuration screen.

Redial on Busy: Check this box if you want EasyView to call the

controller again once it detects a busy tone.

Connect Strings: This box allows commands, responses, time-out,

and pause values for up to 5 connect strings. This enables you to set
up a login sequence, since all 5 commands are sent to the comm port
in order. Each of the entry fields are described below:

Command: Specifies the character string that EasyView will send

to the comm port. If port type is modem, refer to your modem
manual for its recommended initialization strings. Compression
will be turned off. Normally, software (control-s) handshaking
will be disabled. Each line of command is to be terminated by ^M
(Shift 6, Shift M), which is a sequence code for carriage return.

There are some macros built in to EasyView that you can use to
enter as a command. They are:

AUTOBAUD: Sends repeated carriage returns to the port until

the response is received or time-out is exceeded.

BREAK: Sends a break to the port.

PHONENUM: Sends the phone number of the site.

TERMINALMODE: Enters terminal mode, enabling you to

manually send commands to the Galaxy controller.