GE Industrial Solutions Easy View User Manual

Page 15

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Tyco Electronics EasyView Software for the Galaxy Controller

Issue 8 January 2008

Setup Sites Tutorial - 9

Inter Character Delay: This is the delay (in milliseconds) between

each character transmitted through the comm port. This delay may be
necessary when making a connection through Datakit.

Login Inter Character Delay: This is the delay (in milliseconds)

between each character transmitted through the comm port during
the login procedure only. This delay may be necessary when making
a connection through Datakit.

Status Update Rate: This is the interval (in seconds) at which

EasyView updates voltage, current, alarms, and warnings on the
default screen and on the status bar. 30 seconds is adequate.

Receive Time-out: This period (in seconds) indicates that the comm

port will time-out if no characters are received from the controller
within the specified time limit after sending a command. This value
should always be greater than the status update rate. 45 seconds will
usually work properly.

• Communication Port Parameters: This box allows you to select

the parameters for the communication port of your PC that is going
to make connection with the Galaxy controller. The following
selections are to be made:

Comm Port: This is the serial port of your host PC that will be

used to communicate with the Galaxy controller. Refer to your PC
manual for an appropriate number for this port. Select from
COM4 to COM9.

Port Type: This will be the type of connection you will be

making with the controller. Select the port type of MODEM if
you will be dialing in to the controller using a modem. If you have
a Datakit connection, select DATAKIT and if you will be
connecting directly to the controller using its Local port, select

Baud Rate: This will be the speed at which you will be

communicating with the Galaxy controller. High speed modems
(9600 baud and up) require settings higher than their stated rate
(up to a maximum of 57600). For instance, if your modem
supports 9600 or 14400, you should select 38400. The modem
will automatically autobaud for a proper connection. If you are
using direct connection, select up to 9600.

Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits: These are the data transmission

parameters. To communicate with Galaxy controller, select 8 data
bits, parity of NONE, and 1 stop bit.