Akd-5—ak25 position switch actuator, Ordering info compartment switch options, Description – GE Industrial Solutions Position Switch Kit User Manual

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Position Switch Kit for Retrofill CB

DEH-41530 02/12

Ordering Info

Compartment Switch Options

Available as an option for mounting within the base of the cassette/substructure or compartment, the position
switch provides six single-pole changeover contacts for local or remote electrical indication of the circuit breaker
status: CONNECTED, TEST, and DISCONNECTED. The DISCONNECTED position is indicated only when the minimum
isolating distances between contacts on both the main (primary disconnects) and auxiliary (secondary
disconnects) have been achieved. This option is in addition to the mechanical indicators, which are fitted as
standard components. When installed, the switch is IP2X-protected and includes wiring to a terminal block on
the left side of the cassette.

Table 2

displays the available normally-open and normally closed switches. The

ratings for position switches are shown in

Table 3


Table 2. Position Switches

Table 3. Position Switch Ratings
(Common NO/NC Contact Configuration)

Switch Configuration

Catalog #


One NO/NC switch per position



120 Vac

6 A

250 Vac

6 A

Set of two NO/NC switches per position



125 Vac

0.5 A

250 Vac

0.25 A

Table 1. Retrofill Portion—Position Switch Assemblies Ordering Information



Position Switch Actuation Assembly – AK50



Position Switch Actuation Assembly – AK25



Position Switch Actuation Activator Assembly – AKD6


Not Applicable

No separate order required.

AKD-5—AK25 Position Switch Actuator


The position-switch actuator assembly for the AK25 should be mounted on the bottom plate of the cassette assembly
of the AK25 retrofill. The actual actuator assembly consists of two plates, one each on the top and bottom of the
baseplate. The top plate of the actuator interfaces with the breaker when it is racked in and its motion is transferred
to the bottom plate, which interfaces with the position switch lever on the legacy compartment.
Completing the racking in of the EntelliGuard breaker into the cassette corresponds to the end-of-stroke of the
position switch system in the compartment for AK25 in AKD-5 LVS.

Figure 2

shows the exploded view of the AK25

retrofill position-switch actuator (actually a bracket assembly);

Figure 3

displays the assembly from the bottom.