Application solution 2 – lm26 solution – OSRAM OPTOTRONIC Constant current LED power supplies with 3DIM User Manual

Page 26

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26 Application solution 2 – LM26 solution

LM26 (National Semiconductor) is a digital output tempera-

ture switch IC with a factory-programmed trip point ranging

from -55 °C to 110 °C (in increments of 1 °C). LM26 can have

four different confi gurations of the digital output. Version C

(active-high, push-pull on OS output) is needed for this appli-


In fi gure 16, a reference schematic is shown. Since the maxi-

mum operating voltage is limited to 5.5 V, a voltage regulator

is needed in order to supply LM26 from the LEDset interface.

The simplest solution is to clamp the supply voltage on pin 4

with a Zener diode (D


). In order to ensure a suffi cient reverse

current to the diode, a proper value of R


has to be selected.

A by-pass capacitor (C


) between pin 4 and ground (pin 2) is


The hysteresis of the temperature threshold can be set at:

• 10 °C if pin 1 is grounded;

• 2 °C if pin 1 is connected to pin 4 (Vcc).

The LM26 digital output drives a transistor (Q


) which pulls

the Vset node down when an overtemperature condition is

detected. Q


can either be a bipolar or a logic-level FET de-

vice with a voltage rating above 12 V. A device with low leak-

age current (namely lower than 1 µA) is mandatory. For this

reason, bipolar transistors are preferred (i.e. BC847).


Figure 16: Thermal protection – LM26 solution.

Figure 17: LM26 solution – output characteristic.

Figure 18: LM26 solution – real circuit (1) appearance with connector
block (2).

For more information, please see the general notes on page 33.