Thermal derating – OSRAM OPTOTRONIC Constant current LED power supplies with 3DIM User Manual
Page 22
The LEDset interface allows users to strategically defi ne their
module temperature management, thus providing the possi-
bility to implement their own specifi c solution with
reliable accuracy.
Thanks to the auxiliary voltage output of the ECG (+12Vset),
simple and more sophisticated “active” solutions can be
realized and directly implemented on the LED module or on
a smart spot of the luminaire.
Providing an extremely high level of fl exibility and overall
accuracy, the LEDset interface is also suitable for emergency
applications where the fi ne-tuning is essential to ensure
safe and reliable operation at an ambient temperature of
up to 70 °C.
3.3. Thermal derating
With its simple and fl exible properties, the LEDset interface
allows users to manage the LED module temperature directly
with the ECG.
Luminaire manufacturers prefer to customize their products
via different approaches to manage temperature deratings
and/or protections.
One-step (switch-off) or two-step (intermediate current level
and switch-off) solutions satisfy the simpler, more common
requirements for thermal protection/management (fi gures
12a and 12b). Besides, more sophisticated management so-
lutions need to control a continuous derating of the current
as a function of the temperature before turning off the LED
module (fi gures 12c and 12d).
Moreover, a different luminaire type, luminaire application or
a general luminaire maker approach always requires a specifi c
Iout vs. Tset (LED module temperature) characteristic in
terms of temperature thresholds and current values.