Connection of multiple ecgs – OSRAM OPTOTRONIC Constant current LED power supplies with 3DIM User Manual

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2.3.8. Connection of multiple ECGs

Depending on the LEDset control gear, the Vset signals can

be connected in parallel to set the current of multiple ECGs

by a resistor. This connection is allowed in case of a local

dimming application on a luminaire supplied by more than

one ECG.

In general, if n is the number of ECGs to be connected to-

gether to a local dimmer or current setting resistance, Rset/n

is the resistance value to be considered (where Rset is the

value needed to set the current of one single ECG).

Example: an offi ce luminaire with two ECGs locally dimmed

by a 22 kΩ potentiometer.

Figure 5 shows a parallel connection of two LEDset inter-

faces. The interfaces share a resistor Rset, with which it is

possible to set the output current. Current setting by external

resistor is explained in detail in chapter 3.1.1.

Figure 5: Parallel connection of two LEDset interfaces.