Sco (synchronous connection oriented), Overview, Characteristics – SENA Parani-BCD110V3 User Manual

Page 39: Sco connection

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Sena Technologies, Inc


6. SCO (Synchronous Connection Oriented)

6.1. Overview

There are two Bluetooth link types according to the sensitivity to delay time: One is SCO
(Synchronous Connection Oriented) link for voice or audio which is sensitive to delay time. The
other is ACL (Asynchronous ConnectionLess) link for packet data communication which is less
sensitive to delay time. Because SCO link can be established only after ACL link is established,
ACL link is also important to voice system.
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of SCO link to use PCM input provided by

6.2. Characteristics

Parani-BCD110V3 supports single voice link at 8Khz. This voice link enables voice communication
to the degree of cellular phone, but is not suitable for music.

6.3. SCO Connection

SCO connection is available only when two devices are connected in single connection mode on
SPP and the property of ‘Enable SCO’ is enabled.

ATS84 =

Enable SCO. If is 0, SCO is disabled.


In case that SPP connection is established between two devices with ‘Enable SCO’ enabled,
AT+SCOCONNECT command establishes SCO connection and make Bluetooth voice
communication possible at the Development Board or PCM interface made like Appendix F.


AT+SCODISCONNECT command closes SCO connection. Though SCO connection is closed, SPP
connection is still maintained. On the contrary, when SPP connection is closed, SCO connection
is also released.

Example of SCO Connection



CONNECT 0001951330F9


SCOCONNECT 0001951330F9