SENA ProBee-ZE20S User Manual

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ProBee-ZE20S User Guide Rev.1.10



Digital Output with LED(CR14) Display (Active High)

Digital Input with Button Switch (SW12, Active Low or Active High)

Analog Input with Temperature Sensor (U6)



Digital Output with LED(CR13) Display (Active High)

Digital Input with Button Switch (SW11, Active Low or Active High)

Analog Input with Variable Register (VR2)



Digital Output with LED(CR12) Display (Active High)

Digital Input with Button Switch (SW10, Active Low or Active High)

Analog Input with Variable Register (VR1)

* NOTE: GPIO_14 is driven low at pin reset or power-on-reset, the module will boot up in bootloader.


LEDs (CR12-19)

The development board has 8 LEDs for digital output. To enable the LEDs, the GPIO_OUT (SW20) switch

should be set to LED_ON. The LEDs are turned on when the related GPIO pins of the ZE20S are high.

Note: The ADC_0~3 switches (SW4~7) should be placed to EXT_0~3.


Button Switches (SW10-17)

The development board has 8 button switches for digital input. The switches can be configured as active

high or active low with the GPIO_IN (SW19) switch.

Note: The ADC_0~3 switches (SW4~7) should be placed to EXT_0~3.

Note: The LED On/Off switch (SW20) should be placed to LED_OFF.

Note: If the GPIO_IN (SW19) is set to Active High, GPIO pull up/down option should be set to Pull-Down

(ATS41=0). If the GPIO_IN (SW19) is set to Active Low, GPIO pull up/down option should be set to Pull-

Up. (ATS41=1)


Variable Resistors (VR1, VR2)

There are two variable resistors for analog inputs on the development board. The analog inputs can be

read with the GPIO_9 and GPIO_10. To enable the variable resistors, the ADC_0 and ADC_1 switches

should be placed to VR_0 and VR_1.

Note: The LED On/Off switch (SW20) should be placed to LED_OFF.


Temperature Sensor

The GPIO_11 of the ZE20S is routed to the temperature sensor. The relationship between temperature

and analog input is as follows:

Temperature(℃) ={ Volt(mV) -600(mV)} * 0.1(℃/mV)