SENA ProBee-ZE20S User Manual
Page 24

ProBee-ZE20S User Guide Rev.1.10
Configure the ZE20S node type as the coordinator
Optionally, select the channel mask. Otherwise, the ZE20S will use the default channel mask.
Optionally, set up the PAN ID and/or the extended PAN ID. Otherwise, the ZE20S will generate
the PAN ID and/or the extended PAN ID automatically.
Permit joining when other router or end-device tries to join the ZigBee network.
Node Type Selection for Coordinator
The ZE20S module can be configured as a ZigBee coordinator by the AT command as below:
, where n is 0 = none, 1 = coordinator, 2 = router, 3 = end-device, 4 = sleepy end-device
After the operation mode is selected, ATZ command should be performed to reset the unit to have the
change applied.
# Set node type as the coordinator
# Response
# Apply the change
# Response
Channel Mask Configuration for Coordinator
When the ZigBee coordinator starts, it scans predefined frequency channels to find the best frequency
channel to use without causing interference with other wireless devices. The user is able to specify the
channels to use with the AT command as below:
, where n = channel mask to use. Default = 0x07FFF800
This value has a 32-bit hexadecimal unsigned integer. Each bit represents whether a channel will be used
or not. For example, to use a channel between 12 and 15, the 12, 13, 14 and 15 bits of the channel mask
should be 1 and all other bits should be 0. The default setting is 0x7FFF800 which means that all the
channels from 11 to 26 can be used. The ZE20S supports only the channels between 11 and 26, so 0~10
bits and 27~31 bits should be 0. Table 3-2 shows the bit mask for each channel.