SENA ProBee-ZE20S User Manual
Page 31

ProBee-ZE20S User Guide Rev.1.10
CCM (Unified/Simpler mode of operation)
Trust Centers
Security Level
In order to use security in the application, a user should set security level using the AT command below.
Set 1 defines both Authentication and Encryption at the network layer. Set 0 defines no security. Disabling
security in the application is not ZigBee compliant. All nodes in the network should have the same
security level setup. The security level is configured using the AT command below.
AT+SECURITY=n or AT+SE=n, where n is encryption level. (0=disable, 1=enable)
Link Key
The trust center (normally coordinator in network) requests link key before a device is trying to join
network. If link key the device has is wrong, joining process will be denied. Hence, all nodes in the
network should have the same link key setup before joining the network.
xxx or AT+LK= xxx
xxx, where xxx
xxx is 128-bit hexadecimal trust center link key.
Default is FFF
Network Key
It is the network-wide key used to secure transmissions at the Network Layer. The network key encrypts
all transmissions at the Network Layer. The network key only needs to be set up for the coordinator.
xxx or AT+NK=xxx
xxx, where xxx
xxx is 128-bit hexadecimal network key.
Default is FFF
Update Key
A trust center can update the Network Key to help minimize the risk associated with a particular instance
of the network key being compromised. Key updates are broadcast by the trust center throughout the
network, encrypted using the current network key. Devices that hear the broadcast will not immediately
use the key, but simply store it. Later, a key switch is broadcast by the trust center to tell all nodes to start
using the new key. At a minimum, the trust center should allow adequate time for the broadcast of the
new key to propagate throughout the network before switching.
Frequency Agility
Frequency Agility refers to the function to shift operating channel to avoid interference. If frequency agility
function of coordinator is enabled, the coordinator plays a role in network manager. It monitors
communication failures, decides to changes the operating channel and send message to indicate the