Introduction, 1 overview – SENA UPSLink100 User Manual
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1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The UPSLink is an embedded Linux-based Web/SNMP card for UPS. The UPSLink provides SNMP,
HTTP and Telnet compatibility allowing those who manage power utilities of any equipments that
demand fail-safe power such as servers, routers and other networking devices to monitor and control
their equipments anywhere on the network.
Integrative standard
By utilizing standard MIB (Management Information Base), cooperative management of UPS with any
management software such as HP OpenView, Sun NetManager and IBM NetView is enabled. The
UPSLink fully complies with RFC1628 Industry standard UPS MIB to achiev e comprehensive remote
UPS management
Easy style web menu
The web menus of the UPSLink are well organized and stylish. The graphical presentation of the UPS
status helps users to perceive the situation at a glance. Also, rich java script tools are supported to
avoid users’mal-operation in each page.
Secure management
The UPSLink has many features regarding secure management of the device like as user ID and
Password authentication, configurable access control for Web or Telnet by IP filtering and HTTPS.
Roomy customizability
User may customize RS232 UPS protocol and web menus. Sena provides extensive protocol
customization tool that includes library functions, template codes, and a complete example for Sena
UPS serial protocol and fine manuals. The UPSLink is multilingual on its web interface. The UPSLink
is ready to support any languages on earth.
Network connectivity
The UPSLink supports open network protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP and PPPoE (PPP-over-Ethernet),
allowing simultaneous equipment management over either a DSL-based broadband Internet
connection, or a conventional LAN (Local Area Network) environment. In-Band management is
provided using a 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet network, whereas the Out-of-Band management is done
via broadband access. A separate protocol is provided for floating IP environments (Broadband or
Dynamic DNS) to allow access to the UPSLink via a domain name.