Crown Audio DCi Series – Network Input Models User Manual

Page 13

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DriveCore Install Network Series

Power Amplifiers

page 13

Operation Manual

If the edited value scopes the device out of the current Display filter, it will not be visible. No devices will be selected

If devices discovered with a conflicting HiQnet Address then:

• The HiQnet ID field of a discovered device with a HiQnet Address which conflicts with a HiQnet Address which has already been discovered will be displayed in


• A conflicting HiQnet Address may be edited inline if you want to change the device HiQnet Address.

• When the device is selected and highlighted in orange the field is represented in red.

• The HiQnet address is not displayed, instead a dash is displayed as grayed out.

Devices not discoverable at the IP level

A device which is not discoverable at the IP level (invalid IP address etc) will not be able to report a HiQnet address. In this instance, the HiQnet ID field will display a ‘?’ to

indicate that the field may exist but that the software does not have enough discoverability of the device to determine the value.

A blank field or ‘-‘ implies the value is null. The HiQnet ID field may not be edited inline.

Once edits have been made, it is critical to click the “Apply Current Edits” or “Apply and Exit” buttons.

Random ID

The device will be given a random HiQnet address. If you want to set the HiQnet address of a device to a random ID, check the Random ID check box. If the check box is

unchecked before applying current edits, the prior HiQnet ID value will be restored.

All devices in the current filter view may be set to Random HiQnet ID by checking the check box in the column header. The individual check boxes for all devices will be

checked if a single individual check boxes for all devices is subsequently unchecked the column header Random ID checkbox will be automatically unchecked.

If all devices in the current filter view are set to Random ID on and the Random HiQnet ID column header check box is checked, all devices may be set to Random ID off by

unchecking the column header check box. The individual check boxes for all devices will be unchecked.

Devices not discoverable at the IP level

A device which is not discoverable at the IP level (invalid IP address etc) will not be able to report a HiQnet address. In this instance, the Random ID check box will be



Displays the current discovery status of the device. The Status field may not be edited. Discovery status hierarchy is as follows:

• Discovered. If a device has a unique IP address and a unique HiQnet address, this condition will be shown unless the device is access controlled. When the

device is not selected, the ‘Discovered’ label is represented in green.

• IP conflict. If a device has an IP Address conflict, this error will be shown regardless of other status notifications. When the device is not selected, the ‘IP

conflict’ label is represented in blue.

• HiQnet conflict. If a device has a unique IP address yet has a HiQnet address conflict, this error will be shown regardless of other status notifications. When the

device is not selected, the ‘HiQnet conflict’ label is represented in red.

• Locked. If a device has a unique IP address and a unique HiQnet address, this condition will be shown if the device is access controlled. When the device is not

selected, the ‘Locked’ label is represented in yellow.

• Discovering. This condition will be displayed if the device has had changes made to IP configuration or HiQnet address and HiQnet NetSetter is waiting to

reestablish connection. When a device being rediscovered is not selected, all fields within the device row are displayed but is grayed out, represented in light


Discovered - The ‘Discovered’ status is determined by the following conditions:

• The device is discoverable at the MAC Address level

• The device has a valid and unique IP Address (manual or DHCP / Auto-IP)

This manual is related to the following products: