Available options, Typical applications – Powersolve SM6000 Series User Manual
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Rev. Sept. 2012
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In creased Out put
The conservatively rated unit
allows to deliver extra output
with the same reliability.
At some derating, either the maximum output
voltage or the maximum output current can be
increased by about 10%.
• Order Code - P069
Notes: 1. Down load spe cial datasheets about High Speed Progr., Power Sink and Bat tery Charg ing from
2. There is only room for one of the in ter faces in a unit (P154, P155, P156, P157, P277 or P278).
3. SM300-20 and SM 600-10 stan dard equipped with ISO AMP, this can be re placed by P155, P156, P157, P277 or P278.
Available Options
High Speed
Pro gram ming
A 10 to 20 times higher
programming speed (down to
0.4 ms rise time at full load)
and lower output capacitance
Excellent for
laser applications, test systems or as current
source with low parallel capacitance as used
in plasma chambers.
• Order Codes:
SM 15-400 P166 - SM 30-200 P167
SM 45-140 P168 - SM 60-100 P169
SM 70-90 P170 - SM 120-50 P171
SM 300-20 P172 - SM 600-10 P270
Two-Quad rant
Out put: Power sink
Two quadrant operations
maintains the output
voltage constant
regardless the output power is positive or
. Ideal for PWM-speed
controlled DC-motors and ATE systems.
• Order Codes:
SM 15-400 P230 - SM 30-200 P231
SM 45-140 P232 - SM 60-100 P233
SM 70-90 P234
Se quencer
Arbitrary Waveform generator
or standalone automation.
The sequencer is integrated
in the Ethernet controller.
• Order Code - P157
High Volt age Iso la tion
A higher output isolation
allows series operation
up to 1200V. Is standard on
SM300-20 and SM600-10.
• Order Code - P089
Dig i tal Volt age and
Cur rent Set ting
Reliable, longlife digital
encoders can be imple-
mented at the front panel.
Includes total front panel lock (also for
CV/CC-knobs) and a coarse or fine pitch
adjustment depending on the turning speed.
Is standard on SM300-20 and SM600-10.
• Order Code - P220
Se cured Volt age
and Cur rent Set ting
For a maximum security,
the CV/CC settings can
be adjusted with a
screwdriver only and are protected with a
plastic cap from accidental adjusting.
SM300-20, SM600-10 and units with
option P220 already have secured
• Order Code - P001
Soft ware con trol
and In ter faces
Factory installed programming
• ISO AMP Card - isolated analog - P154
• RS232 controller
- P155
• IEEE488 controller
- P156
• Ethernet contr. (incl. sequencer) - P157
• PROFIBUS controller
- P277
• CANBUS controller
- P278
High In put Volt age
Higher input voltages
possible for operations at
line voltages of 440 V AC
and 480 V AC (for USA).
• Order Code - P165
Typical Applications
So lar in verter test ing,
PV-Sim u la tion
Con trolled Bat tery (dis)charg ing
Plasma cham bers
La sers
Hy brid Car test sys tems
Driv ing PWM-Con trolled DC mo tors
ATE in in dus trial pro duc tion lines
Ac cu rate cur rent sources
Au to mo tive bat tery sim u la tions
Aero space and mil i tary equip ment