Bench adapt ers – Powersolve SX Series User Manual
Page 3

Rev. Sept. 2012
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Hold-up time
: 15 ms at full load, 30 ms at half load (220 V AC).
Se ries op er a tion
: Up to 500 V to tal volt age. Up to 1 kV for 150SX75-75 and 200-200.
Par al lel op er a tion
: Al lowed up to 40 °C am bi ent tem per a ture
Re dun dant par. op er a tion
: Is pos si ble with ex ter nal di odes
Cur rent limit
: The cur rent limit is fixed and pro tects the power sup ply dur ing over load ing and short cir-
cuiting. Con tin u ous over load and short cir cuit does not harm the unit.
10% more cur rent can be taken at the low end of the volt age range.
Volt age limit
: For safety a sec ond reg u la tion cir cuit lim its the out put volt age to about 10% above its
range in case the nor mal reg u la tion loop fails.
Volt age ad just ment
: The out put volt age is con tin u ously vari able over the whole range with a 20 turn screw-
driver ad just ment through the front panel.
Re mote con trol
: Volt age con trol with an ex ter nal po ten ti om e ter is pos si ble af ter some small in ter nal
changes (see man ual page 3-2).
Re mote pro gram ming
: Re mote pro gram ming of the out put volt age is pos si ble af ter chang ing an in ter nal link on
the PCB. An an a log volt age of 5 V be tween PROG. and S– cor re sponds with the max out-
put volt age. Note: In dual mode S– is at a neg a tive po lar ity.
Re mote sens ing
: The sense points are in ter nally con nected to + and – out put. These links have to be re-
moved when re mote sens ing is re quired. The max. sense range is 2 V per load lead for
SX15-15 and 0.5 V for SX5. How ever the volt age across the leads plus the load cannot
ex ceed the sup ply max. out put rat ing.
ST150, 150SX75-75 and 200-200 have no re mote sens ing fa cil ity.
Re mote Shut Down
: By +5 V (3.5 - 12 V) be tween RSD and S– or –. Note: In dual mode S– is at neg.po lar ity.
Led lamp
: A green led lamp at the front panel in di cates the out put.
: 1
000 000 hrs
and weight
: 75SX h
d = 100
172 mm, 0.6 kg
150SX h
d = 233.4
172 mm, 1.2 kg
75SX15-15 or 150SX15-15 used as dual power sup ply
Be cause the sense points of the reg u la tion are in ter nally con -
nected to the + and –15 V ter mi nals, the to tal volt age V1 + V2 is
kept con stant.
When V1 and V2 are equally loaded the zero point will be in the
mid dle.
With un equal loads a slight zero shift will oc cur.
Asym met ri cal over load ing and shortcircuiting will not
dam age the unit.
The 150
SX75-75 and 200-200 have sim i lar
char ac ter is tics (rel a tively better).
Zero-shift caused by un equal load ing of the + and – 15 V
Units with two equal out puts:
use 2 pins
use 3 pins
par al lel
par al lel
Par al lel mode Se ries mode Dual mode
The sense points S+ and S– are
in ter nally con nected to + and –.
If re mote sens ing is re quired the
in ter nal links have to be re moved
(not al lowed at 75 V, 200 V and tri -
ple units).
Con nec tions SX-se ries
The H15 mat ing con nec tor (DIN 41612) is avail able
with faston tabs (stan dard), screw ter mi nals (op tional) and sol der pins (op tional)
Bench adapt ers
BA 150 can be used with:
150SX15-15, ST150
other 150SX op tional
BA 75 can be used with:
BA 150