Powersolve USB 2.0 UI Drive Interface User Manual
Usb2.0 ui.drive-interface for hseuireg, Ui.drive software for uireg power supply series

Powersolve Electronics Ltd., Unit 8A Arnhem Road, Newbury RG14 5RU, United Kingdom
p.1/4 12.12A
Tel 0044 (0)1635 521858 Fax 0044 (0)1635 523771
(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)
USB2.0 UI.Drive-Interface for HSEUIreg
UI.Drive Software for UIreg Power Supply Series
General Description of UI.Drive Software Tool
The main sections of this document are the features and the programming. Descriptions of the individual modules of the
software are available in the help-file under Functions. The header Programming lists the program features in a tabular
format. Interface, documents how to access the ToolMonitor. The respective modules specify the valid transfer parameters
of the functions. This software has been developed by MCD Elektronik GmbH / Germany. For further information how to
use the UI.Drive software, e.g. with the MCD TestManager CE, and for information about MCD Elektronik, please visit
USB2.0 UI.Drive-Interface Technical Data
Supply Voltage
+5V provided by USB port from the connected computer
Current Consumption
115mA typical
Insulation USB-Interface to Power Supply Output
3000Vac / 4300Vdc
Insulation USB-Interface to PE
Insulation Power Supply Output to PE
2000Vac / 2900Vdc
AD/DA Converter resolution
12 Bit
AD Converter accuracy
± 0,05% 15ppm/°C
Monitor Output Accuracy
± 0,5% max.
Control Input Accuracy
± 0,8% max.
Data-Flow Control/Monitor
400ms interval, power supply remote on/off occurs immediately
LED Signal
Light = power on
Flash = send/receive data
- - - - -
Required Space
22,1 mm (width assembled to power supply unit)