Powersolve SM3000 Series User Manual
Sm 3000 - se ries, 3000 w dc power sup plies

SM 3000
- Se ries
Unit 8A
Arnhem Road
Newbury. RG14 5RU
Tel: +44 (0) 1635 521858
Fax: +44 (0) 1635 523771
De signed for long life at full power
Ex cel lent dy namic re sponse to load changes
Pro tected against all over load and short cir cuit con di tions
EMC sur passes CE re quire ments:
low emis sion & high im mu nity
Low au di ble noise: fans are tem per a ture con trolled
Avail able op tions: High Speed Pro gram ming, In ter faces,
Ex tra Iso la tion, Se quencer, Power Sink etc.
Mas ter/Slave par al lel and se ries op er a tion with
volt age and cur rent shar ing
Stack ing is al lowed, space be tween units is not
re quired
High power sys tem con fig u ra tion from mul ti ple units
19" rack mount ing or for lab o ra tory use
(feet in cluded)
Re mote sens ing
In ter lock
SM 15-200 D
0 - 15 V
0 - 200 A
SM 30-100 D
0 - 30 V
0 - 100 A
SM 45-70 D
0 - 45 V
0 - 70 A
SM 70-45 D
0 - 70 V
0 - 45 A
SM 120-25 D
0 - 120 V
0 - 25 A
SM 300-10 D
0 - 300 V
0 - 10 A
Three phase input
Mod els
Volt age range
Cur rent range