Powersolve ES300 Series User Manual

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Rev. Sept. 2012

In put volt age


AC 92-264

V 48-62 Hz

Fuse 5 A T

In put cur rent


1.55 A at 230 V AC
3.20 A at 115 V AC

Power fac tor


Better than 0.97

Ef fi ciency


86% at 230 V AC, 82% at 115 V AC

In rush cur rent


Limited with NTC re sis tor of 16 Ohms
cold re sis tance

In su la tion

In put / out put


4 kV rms (1 min.), 8 mm cr./cl.

In put / case


2.5 kV rms (1 min.), 5 mm cr./cl.

Out put / case


600 V DC


: EN

60950 EN 61010


: EN 61204-3 Power Supply Stan dard

EN 61000-6-3 (EN55022B) Ge neric

Emis sion

EN 61000-6-2 Ge neric Immunity

Volt age reg u la tion


Load 0-100% 10 mV
Line 100-260 V AC 1 mV

Cur rent reg u la tion


Load 0-100% 4 mA
Line 100-260 V AC 1 mA

Rip ple + noise
(BW = 20 MHz)


CV 5 mV rms, 15 mV p-p
CC 6 mA rms, 15 mA p-p

Sta bil ity


Af ter 1 hr warm up, dur ing 8 hrs
CV: 3.10


CC: 1.10




= 25 °C)

Temp. co ef fi cient/ °C




(CV), 1.10



Out put im ped ance


Less than 0.3 Ohm up to 100 kHz


> 0.5 A)

Re cov ery time


50 µs to within 0.1 V af ter 50-100% load
step. Max. de vi a tion 0.3 V.

Hold up time


18 ms at full load, 50 ms at half load


100-230 V AC)

Am bi ent tem per a ture


Stor age –40 to +85 °C
Op er at ing –20 to +50 °C.
Above 50 °C de rate out put cur rent
lin early to 20% at 75 °C.

Se ries op er a tion


Nor mal and Mas ter / Slave se ries op -
er a tion is pos si ble. For fast and easy

er a

tion the M/S - SE RIES

ADAPTER is rec om mended.

Par al lel op er a tion


No lim i ta tions. Nor mal and Mas ter /
Slave par al lel op er a tion is pos si ble.

V and I con trol


10-turn potmeters, res. 0.03%.

Pro gramming in puts

Volt age


0-5 V, off set –3 to +10 mV, full scale
er ror +/- 0.2%

Cur rent


0-5 V, off set 0 to +20 mV, full scale
er ror +/- 0.5%
In put im ped ance 1 MOhm

Progr. re sponse time
with load 3 Ohm


Up 0-30 V 1 ms
Down 30-5 V 2 ms

Mon i tor out puts

Volt age


0-5 V, off set 0 to +7 mV, full scale
er ror +/- 0.2%

Cur rent


0-5 V, off set –5 to 0 mV, full scale
er ror +/- 0.5%
Out put imp. 1 Ohm, max 4 mA

Ref er ence volt age


5.165 V +/- 31 mV, TC 12 ppm typ.,
30 ppm max.

CC sta tus out put


+5 V (or 5 mA) when in CC mode.

Re mote shut down



V (3.5



V) or re lay con tact,

re sponse time 3 ms

Re mote sens ing


Is not pro vided

Over volt age limit


Fixed at 34 V ( just. 6-34 V)

Ther mal pro tec tion


Shuts down out put in case of in suf fi -
cient cool ing.

Dig i tal me ters


0-30.0 V / 0-10.00 A 0.5% + 2 dig.

Dim. and weight


h x w x d = 52 x 224 x 333 mm, 3.1 kg

En clo sure



HF trans former has two iso lated bob bins
pro vid ing very safe 4 kV rms di elec tric
strength be tween in put and out put cir cuits.

High pro gram ming speed of out put
volt age, 0



V in 1 ms (no elec tro -

lytic ca pac i tors on out put)

Con nec tions 15-p D-connector
