Powersolve EST150 User Manual

150 - se ries, 150 w tri ple out put dc power sup ply

background image



- Se ries

150 W Tri ple out put DC POWER SUP PLY

3 in de pend ent and float ing out puts

20 V out puts track ing or in de pend ent (switch selectable)

Unit 8A
Arnhem Road
Newbury. RG14 5RU

Tel: +44 (0) 1635 521858
Fax: +44 (0) 1635 523771



1 )

0 - 20 V

0 - 2.5 A

2 )

0 - 20 V

0 - 2.5 A

3 )

0 - 10 V

0 - 5 A

Out puts

Volt age range

Cur rent range

Very low out put rip ple and spikes

EMC sur passes CE re quire ments:
low emis sion & high im mu nity

Ex cel lent dy nam ics re sponse to load changes

Pro tected against all over load and short cir cuit
con di tions

De signed for long time at full power

3 in de pend ent, float ing out puts

Dual volt age track ing or se ries track ing mode

3 out put On / Off but tons

Con vec tion cool ing

Volt age and cur rent con trol with 10 turn
po ten ti om eters