2 | setup for windows mobile, Setup summary, Step 1: install the software – B&B Electronics SL2736-698 - Manual User Manual

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November 2011



2 | Setup for Windows Mobile

This chapter describes how to set up the Serial I/O Card on Pocket PCs or other devices
running Windows Mobile 5.0, 2003SE or 2003.

Setup Summary

STEP 1: Intall the software.
STEP 2: Insert the Serial I/O Card.

STEP 1: Install the Software

ADVANCED USERS: See Appendix B for CAB installation instructions.

Makes sure you have ActiveSync 4.0 or later. You can download it free from

Use ActiveSync and a serial/Ethernet/USB cable or cradle to make an active connection between the mobile
computer and a host PC.

ActiveSync should report that you have connected, and the ActiveSync icon should turn green.

Insert the installation CD into your host PC.

Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to access the CD-ROM drive. In the CD, click on setup.

The Setup Center will begin. Follow the wizard to install the software.