B&B Electronics SL2736-698 - Manual User Manual

Page 15

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November 2011



IMPORTANT! When removing the cable, press the latches before pulling it from the card! Otherwise,
you can damage the connector and card!

Insert the Serial I/O Card into the PC Card slot of your computer. Insert the card right-side up, with the blue label
on top.

If using detachable cable, do not shove on the cable while inserting the card.

If you have a CF card, first insert into a PC Card adapter (shown below right).

WARNING! Do NOT insert the card upside down or shove the card in too hard. Damage may occur!
When properly inserted, the Serial I/O Card will be fully contained within the slot, with only the
connector and cable protruding.

A PC Card icon should appear in the task tray at the bottom of your screen, indicating that your PC has detected
the Serial I/O Card.

Note: To remove the card, double-click on the PC Card icon. Select the Serial I/O Card and click Stop. After your
computer reports that it is safe to remove the card, press your computer’s card eject button to remove the
card. DO NOT pull on the cable or cable connector to remove the card, especially if using a detachable cable!

Note: The card and cable should
join snugly and remain attached
after you release the side latches.
To remove the cable, press the side
latches and pull gently.