Step 3: complete the installation, Windows 7 – B&B Electronics SL2736-698 - Manual User Manual
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November 2011
STEP 3: Complete the Installation
The first time you insert the card into your computer, what occurs depends on the version of Windows you are
Windows 7
If your computer is connected to the internet and your Windows Update settings are the defaults,
Windows will automatically download and install the correct device drivers for the card. To verify that the
card is installed correctly, open Device Manager.
Click the “Start” button at the left end of the Windows Taskbar.
In the “Search programs and files” box, type “Device Manager” (without the quotes).
Click on “Device Manager” in the search results.
Expand the “Multi-port serial adapters” and “Ports” categories as shown below. You should see
an item for the card itself and another entry for the serial port (the COMx number may be
different on your computer, depending on any other COMx ports you have installed).
If your computer is NOT connected to the internet or your Windows Update settings have been
changed, you may see a “bubble” message in the system tray that indicates that “Device driver software
was not successfully installed.” Start Device Manager as above. You should see the SocketSerial card
listed under “Other devices” and marked with an exclamation point as shown below.
Select the SocketSerial device and right-click on it. Select “Update Driver Software…” and then select
“Browse my computer for driver software.” Use the “Browse” button to navigate to the CDROM drive or
the directory where you unzipped a downloaded driver package. Finally, click “Next” to allow the install
wizard to finish installing the device drivers. You should then see the card and the serial port listed in
Device Manager as shown in the first figure above.