B&B Electronics SL2736-698 - Manual User Manual
Page 11

November 2011
What is baud rate mapping?
Most Windows applications offer baud rate settings only up to 115 kbps, because this is the maximum
speed of typical serial ports. What if you want to transfer data faster than 115 kbps? The latest hardware and
software of the Serial I/O Card were designed to handle much higher speeds, up to 921 kbps. Many Windows
applications can handle speeds higher than 115 kbps, even though the highest baud rate they allow you to
configure is 115 kbps.
Hi-Speed COM Tools to enables you to use higher baud rates in applications that list a maximum baud rate of 115
kbps. The program takes one of the available baud rate values and uses it as a placeholder for a new baud rate of
your choice. This is known as “mapping” a new baud rate to an available baud rate option.
For example, if you need your device to work at a baud rate of 230,400 bps, most Windows applications will not
list 230,400 bps as a baud rate option. Hi-Speed COM Tools cannot change which options are listed, but it does let
you program one of the options to work at 230,400 bps (e.g., you can change the “300” bps option to actually work
at 230,400 bps).
Some applications may have timing issues when you set them to baud rates that are higher than they were
designed for. After mapping a baud rate to a new speed, you can re-map it back to its original speed.
Follow these steps to map baud rates:
Make sure the serial port is not open on your device.
In Hi-Speed COM Tools, tap on the Advanced tab.
At the top of the screen, select the desired card.
Use the From: and To: drop-down menus to map baud rates.
From: Select the baud rate option in your application that you want to use as a placeholder for a different baud
To: Select the actual speed you would like the placeholder to function at. The drop-down menu includes baud
rates that most Windows applications do not allow you to select (e.g., 921,600 bps).
Example: Select “300” in the From:
field and “921600” in the To: field and
tap ok. Now, whenever you select a
baud rate of 300 bps in a Windows
application, your COM port will
instead operate at 921,600 bps.