B&B Electronics 856-19717--57 - Manual User Manual

Page 29

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System Description

Sysdescr offers the options of assigning a system name, System Contact System
Location, Unit Description and individual Port names. Enter a description or name,
up to 32 characters per line. Press the Enter key to complete the editing task.

To change the MIB name of the IE-MiniFiberLinX-II as it appears on the network,
type sysname and press Enter. Enter a new name, not exceeding 16 characters in

Unit Control Settings

Serial/Telnet sessions display unit status as well as allowing configuration of some of
the IE-MiniFiberLinX-II features. Type unit and press Enter to be taken to the Unit
screen. From this screen, view the settings for FlowControl, FiberAlert, LoopBack,
Maximum Frame Size, 802.1p Base Priority, Last Gasp.

For Telco/LastGasp Model only

Use the arrow keys to navigate and the Space Bar to change the values on this screen.

These settings include:

Unit FlowControl Enable/Disable


Unit FiberAlert Enable/Disable


Unit LoopBack

Enable/Disable the various LoopBack testing modes

Unit Max FrameSz

Set the maximum Frame Size to pass through the ports:
1518, 1522, 1536, or 1916.