9985 function submenu list and descriptions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9985 3G_HD_SD Loudness Processor User Manual

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9985 Function Submenu List and Descriptions



9985-OM (V1.18)


• Auto Downmix (Option +ADM)

Provides an automatic downmix using alternate channels if designated
stereo pair lose signals. If content level drops below configurable
threshold, primary channel content is replaced with content downmixed
from alternate channels.

Auto Downmix enables or disables auto downmixing for the four


Downmix Threshold sets the threshold (in input dBFS) at which content

above the threshold maintains primary channel use.

Primary to Downmix Holdoff sets the time allowed for below-threshold

primary content before downmix failover is engaged.

Downmix to Primary Holdoff sets the time allowed, when primary is

noted to be above threshold, before primary content is again engaged
for use.

Note: • Default threshold and holdoff settings shown here are

recommended for typical use.

For Failover indicator to properly function and for automatic

downmix to route to card processing, downmix output channels
from this function must be routed to a pair of card internal bus
channels. (For example, if primary channels Emb1/Emb2 were to
be routed to card internal bus channels Bus1/Bus 2, when using
this function, route Downmix A(L) and Downmix A(R) instead to
Bus 1/Bus 2.)

Table 3-2

9985 Function Submenu List — continued

Auto Downmix monitors designated
primary channels for up to four
downmixers (primary channels Lp
and Rp as Emb 1 and Emb 2 in the

• If these channels maintain levels

above a selected threshold,
primary channels Lp and Rp pass
unaffected (as indicated by
Failover indicator showing

• If these channels fall below a

selected threshold for a specified
selected period, downmixed
content replaces the primary
channels (as indicated by Failover
indicator showing Downmix).