Appendix a – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9985 3G_HD_SD Loudness Processor User Manual
Page 133

9985-OM (V1.18)
Appendix A
User-Adjustable Parameters
• B1 - B5 AGC Release:
0 - 150, slowest - fastest
B1: 50
B2: 60
B3: 86
B4: 88
B5: 92
Sets how fast an input signal recovers from a gain change once that signal
falls below the set threshold.
• B1 - B5 AGC Drive:
-12.00 dB to +12.00 dB (default: -3.00 dB all)
Provides a gain control at the input of each compressor band which
determines how much signal level is applied to each.
• B1 - B5 AGC Thresh(old):
-12.00 dB to +12.00 dB (default: 0.00 dB all)
Sets the reference point for the attack and release parameters to act on the
audio signal present in each band.
Multiband Limiters
Performs multiband limiting of the signals coming from the multiband
• B1 - B5 Lim(it) Thresh(old):
+12.00 dB to 0.00 dB
B1: +4.25dB
B2: +4.25dB
B3: +6.50dB
B4: +9.00dB
B5: +9.00dB
Sets the point above which limiting action takes place at an Infinity:1 ratio.
B1 Soft Clip Thresh(old):
+12.00 dB to 0.00 dB (default: +3.00 dB)
B2 Soft Clip Thresh(old):
+12.00 dB to 0.00 dB (default: +6.00 dB)
For Band 1 (
– low bass), sets the point above where low bass is very
quickly limited, acting more like a clipper without the artifacts. This helps
maintain a “tight” bass sound.
Multiband EQ
This is the section where each of the processing bands is summed and where
overall frequency response can be tailored.
• B1 - B5 Out(put) Mix:
-12 dB to + 12 dB (defaults: 0 dB, all bands)
Sets the mix level for each band summing all bands back together. These
controls are prior to the final look-ahead limiter and increasing gain may
cause more final limiting (possibly more than desired).